Facilitate the power of love - confront the love of power.

G . O . R . I . L . L . A .

If you are looking to work with a psychotherapist, counsellor or coach... this corner of mind-gymnasium.com (and a large part of The Mind Gymnasium: digital edition too) is devoted to material that might help you make a better choice, or help you gain perspective on your present relationship.

For the moment there are three items... with more to follow.

Here is a short quotation that introduces Peter Ellis's article (that includes a checklist for evaluating practitioners).

'continuum-conscious therapy' Is therapy which addresses itself to the task of recognising this continuum sense, or ecological unconscious, or 'good core' of human nature, in the neurotic and other symptoms that clients present. It rejects the dualistic, original-sin approach to therapy and instead assumes that all emotional ills are in some way distortions of the life force which therefore have the potential for being transformed back into the positive energy out of which they originated.

This quotation introduces Anna Sands piece

'I had been unprepared for, and confounded by, the disintegration that therapy can bring about and I eventually contacted my analyst's professional group after several unsuccessful attempts to discuss this disintegration with him directly. I had had a frightening breakdown; I felt I had been pathologised and disorientated by the therapy, and I had been left with a nagging sense of unfinished business. But I was worried that, once I approached my analyst's professional organisation, the likelihood of my ever having an open and truthful talk with him would probably diminish even further and, as it turned out, I was right'.

And here you'll find an early version of a Client Guide that appears much extended and revised in the Mind Gymnasium: digital edition

Except where otherwise indicated, these screens are maintained and © 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, 2002, 2003,2004 Denis Postle. All rights reserved. Last updated 30th May 2004